Monday, 22 November 2010

"The Silence of the Lambs" analysis

The opening sequence starts by setting the mise-en-scene. It is a foggy forest, then the first titles appear and they seem to be blunt and to the point. The movie stars Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn, Ted Levine, Anthony Heald and more. It then goes on to show the title "The Silence of the Lambs". The background music sound is mysterious and somewhat dark, it sounds as though there is a choir of violins and chellos playing. Whilst the music is playing and the titles are appearing, the camera is also tracking through the scenery, it is showing the foggy forest from all sorts of different angles such as, a long shot, high angle, tracking and panning. As the scene proceeds is goes on to show a woman who has just finished climbing a steep cliff, she looks worn out and yet she begins to run. This creates a mysterious atmosphere as the audience is unaware as to why she running and whom she is running from. Whilst she is running there are also many different camera angles of her, all of which are tracking (as she is moving). After a few more minutes the audience comes to realise that the woman is infact not running from anything, she is doing an assult course as she works with the FBI. After this moment the atmosphere seens to change as before we thought it was mysterious because we were unsure as to why she was running, now that we have found out that she works with the FBI the audience might think that this movie is more action as most FBI movies invlove some amount of action. The mise-en-scene also changes as before the lady was running in a forest, now she is in a busy work building. Whilst all this is happening the credits are still rolling, this is showing the casting director, music producer, editor of the movie and more. The woman then enters what seems to be her bosses office, she then begins to stare at picture of what appears to be dead people.

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